Year 1/2 Hedgehogs 2024 - 2025



Year 1/2 Hedgehogs


We want to start off by saying a huge WELCOME to all our new Year 1/2 Hedgehogs! 


In Year 1, the children begin to make the transition from play-based learning, towards a more structured learning style with a new curriculum / subjects, such as English, Maths, Science and Art. As the children enhance their existing skill set, they will also aquire and develop a range of other skills through exciting learning opportunities and independent challenges. Whilst the children begin to take on more responsibility and ownership of their own learning, we still incorporate aspects of play and continuous provision within our lessons. This is because we recognise and appreciate that the children still require the freedom of child-led play for their personal development, cognition and understanding, as well as continuing to develop their social skills and important life skills. Seeing the children grow individually and develop their own unique personality is a joy to experience and encourage. 


Meet the Team

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Hello, I'm Miss Cleary! I like reading, going on long walks, yoga, eating out and travelling to different countries. I have a cocker spaniel dog called Benny and my favourite foods are pasta and pizza. My favourite books are the Harry Potter series and I love to teach Phonics and Science.  


This is Miss Green


This is Miss Quinn


Creative Curriculum 

Autumn Term

Down in the deep, dark woods

This term, we will be exploring a range of different texts and traditional tales that are based around exploring the woods. Pupils will look at our local area Reddish, where we will make maps and plot routes using keys and symbols. We will participate in some Forest School sessions and enjoy exploring and learning in our fantastic outdoor spaces. We will also look at how the area has changed over time and identify significant individuals, places and historical events within the local area.


Spring Term 

Amazing Adventurers

In the Spring Term, the children will develop their awareness of past through comparing significant explorers such as Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart! We will look at various events that are beyond living memory, such as man landing on the moon and how aviation and space travel has developed over time. 


Summer Term 

A Taste of India 

In the Summer Term, the children will begin to make comparisons between a non-European country (India) and the UK. Our children will also focus on human and physical geography, locational knowledge of the country of India and it's history, landmarks and culture. We will them compare the similiarities and differences between India and own local area through the physical and human features.


Important information for parents 

The children will have PE twice a week, once with the class teacher and once with the PE coaches. The children will have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The children should come to school already in their PE kits, which they will stay in all day. PE kits must be a white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings and trainers/pumps. 


Newsletter and Programme of Study 

Please click the link below to view the Autumn newsletter.

/uploads/527/files/Hedgehogs newsletter Autumn.pdf

Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser 

Please click the link below to view the Autumn Term knowledge organiser.


Year 1 Statutory Spellings

Below is a list of spellings children in Year 1 should know how to read and write by the end of the year. Please practice these with your child where possible. They wil be sent out throughout the year as weekly spelling practice and repeated to help with memory retention. 

spelling list.png

Useful Websites 

BBC Bitesize:

Topmarks Maths Games:

Phonics Play:

Phonics Bloom:

Purple Mash:


Spelling Shed:




In Year 1, we have a recognition board with all of the children's photos. Each child must work hard to achieve our weekly class target, in order to recieve a treat at the end of the week. In Year 1, we always give lots of stickers out for great work and super behaviour. We also have our Star of the Day, where a child is chosen every day for being noticed and doing something fantastic. They can then choose our class story! 

Contact / Class Dojo

At Abingdon, we use Class Dojo which is embedded within every year group. We use Class Dojo to engage parents by sharing photos and videos of exciting moments in the classroom and around school. It is also an effective way for parents and teachers to communicate, via the app.










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Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

Get In Touch

Abingdon Primary School

Abingdon Road, South Reddish
Stockport SK5 7ET

Joanne Murray

0161 480 4531

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