Year 5 Merlins 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Merlins Class!
We want to start off by saying a huge WELCOME to Year 5!
In Merlins this year, the children will begin to prepare for Year 6 as they step into UKS2. As the children enhance their existing skill set, they will also aquire and develop a range of other skills through exciting learning opportunities and independent challenges. Miss Baguley and I are dedicated to creating an exciting and stimulating environment in Year 5 and we are both looking forward to being a part of your child's learning journey.
We cannot wait to see all the amazing progress your children will make this year, and look forward to all the fun, happiness and learning that this year is going to bring!
Meet the Team
Hello, I'm Miss Rowley! My favourite subjects are PE, PSHE, History and reading and my favourite foods are burgers, brownies and strawberries! YUM! My favourite books are the Harry Potter Series and I also LOVE the films!
Our TA this year is Miss Baguley who is truly FANTASTIC!
Creative Curriculum
Autumn Term
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
In Autumn Term. we will be learing about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and looking back at what life was like suring that period. We weill be investigating settlements, invasions and what life was like during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking period in England. There will be opportunities for the children to develop an undertsanding of where in British history the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings are placed as well as opportunities to become archaeologist and investigate the famous Sutton Hoo through clues and evidence in class.
Spring Term
Time Travellers
In the Spring Term, we will be learning about the ancient Maya civilisation in History and South America in Geography. We will learn about the history of the Mayans and where they lived geographically. We also will learn about Mayan culture and their daily lives. In particular, their Gods, food and clothing.
Summer Term
A Better Tomorrow
Our final topic in the Summer Term leads us to discover the fascinating history of human rights, where we will explore why rights are so important to us. We will learn about the history of how rights have adapted and changed over time. We will explore significant people who have fought for rights in the past, such as: The Suffragettes, Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and we will learn about their crucial impacts on the world we live in today!
Important information for parents
The children will have PE with Mr Rowe on Mondays, and then will also go swimming on Wednesdays in the Autumn Term. The children should come to school already in their PE kits.They will stay in their kit all day on a Monday. and must come with their swimming kit underneath their uniform on a Wednesday. Please ensure the childrens hair is tied back and any jewelry is taken out to avoid any accidents. Additionally, children must bring a towel and spare underwear on a Wednesday for after swimming.
PE kits must be a white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings and trainers/pumps.
Year 5 Statutory Spellings
Below is a list of spellings children in Year 5 should know how to read and write by the end of the year. Please practice these with your child where possible. They wil be sent out throughout the year as weekly spelling practice and repeated to help with memory retention.
Useful Websites
BBC Bitesize:
Topmarks Maths Games:
Purple Mash:
Spelling Shed:
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS):
In Merlins, we have a recognition board with all of the children's names. Each child must work hard to meet our core values and follow our school rules in order to acheive Dojos and other treats thorughout the year. We always give out stickers and Dojos for great work and super behaviour, as well as prizes if the children hit 100 Dojo points by the end of the half term. Children can be selected as our Star of the Week by demonstarting good behaviour, having a great attitude to their learning, being a good classmate to their peers or doing something FANTASTIC. This pupil will recieve a Marvellous Mrlin award at the end of the week in celebration assemsbly.
At Abingdon, we also have rewards for the class with the best attendance (Spin the Wheel) and the tidiest classroom (The Golden Broom), so as a class, we hope to set our sights on those every week too!
Contact / Class Dojo
At Abingdon, we use Class Dojo which is embedded within every year group. We use Class Dojo to engage parents by sharing photos and videos of exciting moments in the classroom and around school. It is also an effective way for parents and teachers to communicate, via the app.
Here is a QR code with a link to our Class Dojo Page:
Every week, your child will recieve a Spelling sheet and a Maths sheet in their homework book and be expected to bring it back in by the following Thursday.
In addition to this, the expectation is that your child reads for a minimum of 3 times a week at home and logs on to TTRS 3 times a week too - this should be for a minimum of 5-10 minutes per session.
We have began a reading challenge, whereby every day the children read, they recieve a tick on the chart. Ticks tally up and allow the children overtime to move themselves up on our interactive reading challenge board, with the final destination they can reach (after 250 days of reading) is Hogwarts! Who will become our first witch or wizard?
Year 5 Merlins: News items
Newsletter 4th October 2024, by Murray
Newsletter 27th September, by Murray
Newsletter 20th September 2024, by Murray