Religious Education
The teaching of RE at Abingdon actively promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural and mental values of our pupils. We intend for RE in our school to be challenging, inspiring and fun. For it to develop our pupils levels of religious literacy and conceptual understanding. We want our pupils to be able to articulate, with confidence, their ideas about religion, beliefs and spirituality – and then change their minds, if they choose to do so. We want pupils to understand religious and belief systems’ commitment to morality and social justice, to responsible stewardship of the environment and to deepening the experience of being human.
At Abingdon we support the notion that religion has a major position in public life and in promoting social and ethnic harmony and awareness. We believe that it is crucial to educate our pupils to understand and engage critically with religions, beliefs, and their representations in the media and throughout history. Our aim is for our pupils to leave Abingdon with an informed and empathetic understanding of different beliefs and worldviews.
Our RE programme is supported by the Local Authority. We follow the Stockport Agreed Syllabus. We review and evaluate it regularly to ensure provision is relevant, up-to-date and of the highest quality.
At Abingdon we know that RE education cannot exist in isolation. Therefore it is part of a whole school approach and our Creative Curriculum provide a variety of opportunities for children to make links to other areas of learning and explore a wide range of social, moral, cultural and behavioural issues.
Our assemblies, monthly celebrations and whole school appreciation days help to develop the children’s learning and understanding further and provide a platform for discussion to help our pupils become caring, respectful and tolerant individuals who can be part of a diverse community.
At Abingdon we partner up with CIST charity to run RE workshops and clubs for the children. You can find out more about CIST here
Please Click here for National Curriculum Guidance
"At Abingdon Primary School we not only learn about religion but we learn from religion."