Year 2 Foxes 2023 - 2024


Welcome to Year 2 Foxes!


Miss Marsden


Teaching Assistants

Miss Whitehead


Creative Curriculum

Autumn Term

Dungeons and Dragons

During this topic,pupils will develop their awareness of the past by comparing  Elizabeth I with Elizabeth II and Charles II with Charles III.  We will also beifly compare Charles II and Charles III which will link into our learning on The Great Fire of London in Autumn term 1.  We will look at significant events beyond living memory such as The Great Fire of London and understand what life was liike during those times. We will also identify famous landmarks in London,both past and present. As a class, we will study a variety of different texts linked to this exciting topic, and explore interesting medieval things such as castles, dradons,knights and princesses. In science we will investigate the topic of animals, including humans as well as exploring rubbings and prints in art. 

Spring term

The Secret Garden

In the Spring term, we wil be looking at the local area of Reddish, with a focus on making maps and plotting routes using keys and symbols. We will look at how the area has changed over time and identify significant individuals, places and historical events. We will also look at new local artist called Kate Kelly, who designs 3D artwork of plants and animals as this will link into our Science topic of Plants. 

Summer term

Going on Safari!

Our final topic in the Summer term will be all about the comparison between a non-european country (a country in Africa) and our local area. With a focus on human and physical geography,weather patterns, and locational knowledge of countries and oceans, pupils will develop their geographical and fieldwork skills. We will also look at significant individuals who have shaped Africa such as Nelson Mandella. 

Important Information for parents

The children will have PE twice a week, once with the class teacher and once with external coaches. The children will have PE on Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon. The children should come to school wearing their PE kit and they will stay in their kit all day. PE kits must be a white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings and pumps/trainers. 


Children receive spellings every Friday which they need to learn for a spelling test the following Friday. The children will also recieve maths homework on Friday which will help to build up fluency in times table and number facts. 

Reading books are on Tuesday and Fridays and these are linked with the Read, Write Inc groups children are placed in for phonics/reading lessons.

Newsletter and Programme of Study

Please click on the link below to view the Autumn newsletter. 

/uploads/527/files/Foxes newsletter Autumn.pdf

History Knowledge Organiser 

Please click on the link below to view our History Knowledge Organiser all about The Great Fire of London.

/uploads/527/files/The Great Fire of London.pdf 

Science Knowledge Organiser 

Please click on the link below to view our Science Knowledge Organiser all about Animals Including Humans.

/uploads/527/files/Animals including humans.pdf

Year 2 Spellings

Below is a list of spellings children in Year 2 should know how to read and write by the end of the year. Please practise these where possible. All will be sent throughout the year as weekly spelling practise and repeated to store them to memory. 


In Foxes we have a number of different ways the children can be redognised for making good behaviour choices and showing our threee core values. We have table points, the recognition board, stickers and whole class dojos. If the children achieve the target on the recognition board there name gets put in Miss Hammond's prize pot. The two names that are picked out of the prize pot on a Friday win a prize out of Miss Hammond's prize box. The table that wins the most dojos by Friday also get to pick a prize on a Friday. In Foxes we believe in working as a team therefore we have a whole class dojo target which we try to achieve together. Once we have achieved this target we get to vote for a whole class treat. 


Class Dojo/Contact

At Abingdon we use Class Dojo which is embedded within every year group. We use Class Dojo to engage parents by sharing photos and videos of exciting moments in the classroom. It is also an effective way for parents and teachers to communicate. I will reply to messages within school working hours.

At Abingdon we practise our timestables using TTRS. It is an amazing and fun way for the children to learn their timestables. Every child has their own login and we regularly have competitions between classes to see who can earn the most coins.

Useful Websites

Here are some websites that you might find useful for learning at home.

BBC Bitesized:



Oxford Owl for Home, great for phonics resources :

If you have a maths whizz you might want to try some of these challenges at home:

Great for crafting and laming things linked to topics:

Purple Mash- great for ICT/Coding and much much more! School log in required from me in order to use:

Great for maths games : 

Great for Science and arts and DT:



Please follow us on twitter @AbingdonPrimary

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Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

Get In Touch

Abingdon Primary School

Abingdon Road, South Reddish
Stockport SK5 7ET

Joanne Murray

0161 480 4531

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